Saturday, May 26, 2012

Husk Power University

I had the opportunity to visit Husk’s Training Center for the first time today with a few potential partners from Nigeria. Husk takes great pride in Husk Power University which was developed in partnership with Shell Foundation, now I know why. 
Training Center Facility
The Husk team has a clear mission, to provide “ Power to Empower” & they do just that at the training center.
Reviewing Theory

Class in session
Final Test
Semi-skilled to unskilled youth are recruited as trainees for various plant positions. They spend a month at the training center where they are taught both theory & hands on training on the machinery. While we were there, a new trainee who had completed his coursework was going through his final series of tests. We must have added even more pressure with the additional spectators and our cameras - but he was focused as he tried to identify the fault in engine based on the abnormal noise it was making.  To the untrained ear it just sounded loud!

This type of simulation training helps operators when they are out in the field and face issues in daily operations. But Husk doesn't stop there – they also send the trainees to an operational plant. There they work alongside the plant operator for two weeks, observing and learning the realities of operations outside the training center. Husk really wants to equip these individuals to succeed.

Husk Gasifier Simulation
Safety First!
They don’t stop there either. All trainees are put onto a development path that will allow them to progress as they gain more experience and develop their skills. This means that all trainees, including those that have completed schooling up to 8th grade, now have a career path they can choose to follow. It is an initiative aimed at developing and training the local rural workforce. So often, well intended solutions fail because upon installation, the team heads back to their respective metros, never taking the time to truly develop local talent to maintain the solutions put into place.  Husk dares to take seemingly complex concepts and machinery, and break them down catering to its rural audience. This creates a strong local workforce that keep Husk plants running. With the limited opportunities available in rural Bihar, Husk is not only providing the much needed jobs but also a transferable skill set for future aspirations the trainees may have beyond Husk.

By creating access to new opportunities through education, Husk true to its mission enables direct and sustainable empowerment.

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